About Us
Nowruz Technology Development Group Co. (Knowledge-Based) is a new born organization created by a synergy of experienced culture and art organizations, Publications and IT company to facilitate knowledge and technology in macro business projects.
Main spectacular characteristic of this cooperation is a creative and aligned point of view toward creation and development of knowledge based solutions to equip organizational customers, businesses and end-users with efficient access to products and services. We use smart big-data monitoring, cleansing and processing to achieve this goal.
Our Mission
Nowruz Group mission is;
Research and Development (R&D) to provide new solutions in below criteria:
- establishment of standard knowledge based and technical infrastructures for big data storage, online sales and better customer and provider’s usability.
- Leadership and development of online businesses in both product and service sectors
- Continues research and development to achieve more efficient user experience (UX)
- Cooperation and partnership with IT and Content Production start-ups and elites
An innovative project to review usability of books metadata
The most exclusive and comprehensive platform for publication managemen
An Smart Value Chain Management Back-office Software